WOW! Britney Spears party with shirtless men

Some of Britney Spears fans are saying “is she ok?” Others are saying “well…”

As you know, she’s been in love and has had a hard time with Sam Asghari, her former boo. Now, it looks like all she just wants to do is be happy being on her own or with others – like these five shirtless men you see in the picture.

As you can see, all these men are vying for her attention. And she’s giving them attention. No one can really say how much attention she will give to any of them in the coming days, however.

She has already posted a video on her Instagram page showing a guy who tried to lick her leg all the way up to her thigh…

Even the camera man encouraged him to “start at the boot.”

It is the part of the video that had five shirtless men hoisting Britney up that’s making the rounds on social media. She demonstrated complete approval by commenting “okay cool.”

She wrote:

“When you go to meet up with a so called “friend” and drive an hour for chicken! Then you have to wait in the car and need to use the bathroom. So what does a b**** like me do?! I put my green dress on and show up at my friends! I invited my [favorite] boys over and played all night!”


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